Friday, October 6, 2017


This week's assignment was a focus on portraits. We looked at photographer Richard Avedon's photographs as our inspiration. When he photographed his models, he would give them prompts and take pictures based on the emotions he received. He often pretended to take photos of the models until they took off their "mask". When the models got ride of "mask" that is when he would be able to capture a photo in their most vulnerable state. We took our photos a similar way. I chose to photograph 3 models using 5 photos for each. The three Drew students I chose to photograph were: Adrienne, Casey and Maria. I told them to think about certain things and I was able to get their reactions and expressions from those prompts. All of the photos are in black and white and square shaped so that the main focus is on their facial expression.

1 comment:

  1. really like how your pictures are very up close and balck and white because it draws the observer closer into to what the picture is saying.


Best of Spring Series

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