Friday, May 11, 2018

Spring Series Draft #2

For this week's draft, I chose to blend people into more nature like environments or backgrounds with an orange-y sunset feel. I experimented a little with erasing parts of the background so some parts were more prominent such as with my third, seventh and ninth photos.

For this one photo, I chose to fade Sophie into this frame and I thought it looked good however it didn't match the tone I was showing within the draft.


  1. This is so cool!!! I love how you use color in your images. I also really like your experimental one with the frame. Keep up the great work!

  2. Great work! I like the one with Jade best because both layers have a similar composition.

  3. My fav are 1,3,5,6,8, especially that last one. I suggest you work with seaside theme parks next draft.

  4. The choice of each background image that goes with the composition of the person is really clever. Keep up the good work!

  5. Nice job Kiki. I really love all the different background you chose to use. They are all unique in their own way, and the people in the image I think bring the whole photo together.

  6. These are really cool and unique! Keep up the good work

  7. Nice Job! I really like the last image because of the glow of the frame. I think that was very clever. I think the best photos you publish are the ones with simplest backgrounds because there is less distraction. Good Work.

  8. great job this week. I love how you used different back rounds and different people fr each photo. I don't have any suggestion for you.


Best of Spring Series

These photos are the ones that I thought were the best of my spring series and really exemplified the goals of my project. Throughout the se...