Friday, May 4, 2018

Spring Series Draft #1

For my final series of the year, I have decided to replicate the style of photographer Jasper James by taking city silhouettes. For this first draft, I took photos of different people and then blended them into some sort of cityscape (New York, London, San Francisco).


  1. Great job! You really got the city silhouettes down. I think the positioning of all your people really helps bring out your city background. However, at the same time, you make sure that the city background doesn't completely erase the subject.

  2. Fantastic Job! You really understood the idea of the city silhouettes in these images. I think your job of blending was great, because it had the right amount of subject and city. I like how you used different subjects, and how you displayed different parts of their face. Good Job.

  3. I think you did a wonderful job doing these. I think it is super cool how each silhouette had a different city scape. I am excited to see more! Keep up the good work

  4. I like how you represented different parts of the face in each of your silhouettes. Keep up the good work!

  5. Great job this week. I really love the back rounds you used for your collages. I think you did a great job this week and I don't have any suggestions.

  6. This is really good. I like how everything blends well


Best of Spring Series

These photos are the ones that I thought were the best of my spring series and really exemplified the goals of my project. Throughout the se...